Sunday, April 24, 2011

A tour of COP Margah in Paktika

First Lieutenant Jason Wright with Third Platoon, Fox Company 2-506th Parachute Regiment gives reporter David Axe a tour of Combat Outpost (COP) Margah in Paktika province along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Wright discusses how insurgents out of Waziristan train fighters in indirect fire, using the COP as a target.

"The Waziristan Agency, they have a handbook ... almost exactly like our Ranger handbook that goes over advanced infantry tactics and small unit ambush raids, that sort of thing. [In a captured copy of the book] they had drawings of the COP and the OP, measurements, distances, all that sort of thing, and it was pretty high speed stuff for them. You wouldn't think they'd have anything like that, but they did."

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